For investor classification, please refer to the following document Link
Category | Description | Brokerage Commission | Money Account Administration Fee |
1 | Portfolio value > EUR 100.000 or more than 15 transactions in the previous calendar year (minimum paid commission in the previous calendar year EUR 150) | 0.30% | 0.15% |
2 | Portfolio value EUR 50.000 - 100.000 or more than 12 transactions in the previous calendar year (minimum paid commission in the previous calendar year EUR 100) | 0.50% | 0.20% |
3 | Portfolio value EUR 30.000 - 50.000 or more than 6 transactions in the previous calendar year (minimum paid commission in the previous calendar year EUR 80) | 0.80% | 0.25% |
4 | Portfolio value EUR 10.000 - 30.000 or more than 6 transactions in the previous calendar year (minimum paid commission in the previous calendar year EUR 50) | 1.00% | 0.30% |
5 | Portfolio value < 10.000 eur no transactions in the last calendar year | 3.00% | 0.30% |
Value of portfolio | Commission | Minimum per order |
> $ 1mio | $ 0,01/share | USD 20 |
$ 500k - $ 1mio | $ 0,015/share | USD 20 |
< $ 500k | $ 0,0175/share | USD 20 |
Value of portfolio | Commission | Minimum per order |
> € 1 mio | 0,06% trade value | EUR 20 |
€ 500k - € 1mio | 0,08% trade value | EUR 20 |
< € 500k | 0,10% trade value | EUR 20 |
* Please note that third-party vendor fees might be charged, and we are not liable for such fees, as stated in this official tariffs document.
Value of trade per ticket | Commission |
> USD 5mio | 0,05% |
USD 1mio - USD 5mio | 0,10% |
USD 500k - USD 1mio | 0,15% |
< $ 500k | 0,20% |
Value of trade per ticket | Commission |
> EUR 5mio | 0,05% |
EUR 1mio - EUR 5mio | 0,10% |
EUR 500k - EUR 1mio | 0,15% |
< EUR 500k | 0,20% |
* Please note that third-party vendor fees might be charged, and we are not liable for such fees, as stated in this official tariffs document.
Market | Monthly Volume Contracts | |||
< 50 | 50-100 | > 100 | Minimum per trade | |
USA | EUR 3,5 cents per contract | EUR 3 cents per contract | EUR 2,5 cents per contract | EUR 30 |
Other Markets | 0,35% trade value | 0,30% trade value | 0,25% trade value | EUR 30 |
Canada | EUR 3,5 cents per contract | EUR 3 cents per contract | EUR 2,5 cents per contract | EUR 30 |
Hong Kong | 0,70% trade value | 0,60% trade value | 0,50% trade value | EUR 100 |
UK | 0,35% trade value | 0,30% trade value | 0,25% trade value | EUR 30 |
Australia | 0,35% trade value | 0,30% trade value | 0,25% trade value | EUR 30 |
Singapore | 0,35% trade value | 0,30% trade value | 0,25% trade value | EUR 30 |
Switzerland | 0,35% trade value | 0,30% trade value | 0,25% trade value | EUR 30 |
* Currency conversion: Any cash, realized profit and losses, adjustments, fees and charges that are denominated in a currency other than the base currency of your account, will be converted to the base currency of your account and a currency conversion fee will be charged to your account. We use the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia for these operations.
* Daily ongoing cost: Daily financing fee will be applied to the account for each day of holding an open position (including weekend days). The financing rates are set at benchmark regional interest rate of +/- 3.5%.
* Please note that third-party vendor fees might be charged, and we are not liable for such fees, as stated in this official tariff document.